Sunday, 19 August 2012

How Businesses Use Social Media for Recruiting

ou can’t go anywhere these days without being bombarded by social media.  Whether you’re reading an online article or shopping in the local mall, social media is everywhere.  Tweet It…Like It…Share It…Pin It…  How can your small business harness the power of social media for recruiting?
Interact with Twitter- Speak to prospective employees just as you would prospective customers.  No one wants to be talked AT, instead start a conversation WITH them.   Twitter is a prime example; you’ve got 140 characters to make an impact.  How you say it makes all the difference in whether or not your message is received.  Use #hashtags.  This will categorize your Tweets and help them show up more easily in a Twitter search.
Example:  We’re looking to hire the best and the brightest!  Sound like you?  #jobs #Minneapolis
LinkedIn Company Profile- Prospective employees are going to do their research.  Make sure your company page on LinkedIn is up-to-date.  You should include a logo, a brief description of your company, a link to your website and current company updates.  Also, encourage your employees to add a paragraph from the company website to their LinkedIn profile.   Most prospective employees also research their potential co-workers.
Example:  CompanyXYZ is a leader in the widget manufacturing industry. With over fifteen years experience in manufacturing, the company provides services to multiple U.S. clients in the automotive industry.
Facebook Content- Your company Facebook page should have new content added on a weekly basis.  This page gives prospective employees a glimpse into the company culture.  Is it a casual workplace or more formal?  Do you have a bring your dog to work day?  Do you encourage your employees to get involved in community outreach?  Do you have catered employee lunches on occasion?  All of these situations could provide great photos and content for the company Facebook page.  They also give the potential employee an opportunity to see the social side of your business.
The most important thing to remember about social media is to keep it human.  As part of the candidate experience, let prospective employees see what your company culture is all about.  Don’t forget to keep it fun, fresh, and professional!

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